How deep tulip bulbs should be in the soil - Tips for planting depth

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Best Method for Planting Tulip Bulbs
Video: The Best Method for Planting Tulip Bulbs


The ideal planting depth for tulip bulbs varies according to the nature of the soil

How deep tulip bulbs should be in the soil - Tips for planting depth

The optimal planting depth of tulip bulbs is discussed controversially among experts and hobby gardeners. In fact, no general statement can be made. Rather, the local conditions define the ideal value. Read here how deep you use the flower bulbs professionally in the garden and in the pot on the balcony.

Why is the planting depth so relevant?

Flower bulbs are an upturned shoot with the buds and leaves of a tulip already inside. These are enveloped by fleshy leaves, which act as storage organs and protective sheath. After planting in autumn, the first step is to focus on timely rooting before winter. On this basis the beautiful tulip blossom rises in spring.

If the onion is just below the surface, the leaves will sprout before the first frost to freeze to death. Too deep in the ground, tulips are forced to spend most of their energy to reach the surface at all. For the flower cup they then lack of power.

With this planting depth you are right

In the sunny, sheltered location, choose a place in the bed, which is characterized by a nutrient-rich, loose-humus and well-drained soil. At a distance of 15-20 cm, plant small planting holes whose depth is based on these criteria:

In the pot and balcony box you can arrange the flower bulbs a little more densely, with a planting depth between 8 and 12 cm. So that the flower cups unfold at the same time, bulbs of different sizes are planted in correspondingly divergent depths.


The perfect planting depth of tulip bulbs unfortunately plays into the hands of their greatest enemy. So deep in the ground voles reach unhindered to their favorite food. Prevent the brash bustle of the voracious pests by planting the flower bulbs in the shelter of a vole basket.