Tradescantia (three-master flower) is available in countless species

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 2 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Tradescantia Nanouk care and propagation
Video: Tradescantia Nanouk care and propagation


The Tradescantia albiflora has green leaves and white flowers

Tradescantia (three-master flower) is available in countless species

The Tradescantia, also called three-masted flower, is a very easy-care plant, which is represented in many species. They differ in size, flower colors, leaf coloration and growth habit. Almost all varieties can be grown in the perennial garden, some are also maintained as a houseplant.

Versatile plant for the perennial garden

The Tradescantia is characterized by the fact that it is very easy to care for. You can not go wrong with grooming a three-master flower in the garden.

In many species, the shoots hang down long and can be up to 40 inches long. Some grow herbaceous or upright.

The Tradescantia pallida is particularly common, with its purple flowers for a long time provides color in the garden.

Leaves and flowers in many colors

Some species of tradescantia are only grown for their leaves because they often do not flower at all or only very little. The leaves are usually tapered. They can be colored light or dark green depending on the species. The leaves are very decorative, if the underside has a dark red color. In many varieties, the leaves are multicolored, so some of them are also referred to as zebra plant.

In older plants, which are pulled as a houseplant, the lower leaves fall off after some time. This is normal and not a cause for concern.

The flowers may be white, blue or pink depending on the species. They only open for one day and then die.

Well-known types of tradescantia


The Tradescantia only develops its strong colors in a good location. Above all, she needs a lot of light and should therefore stand as sunny as possible. Most varieties are hardy and can therefore be maintained in the garden all year round.