How should I overwinter my potted roses?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Preparing Potted Roses for Winter
Video: Preparing Potted Roses for Winter


Pot roses must be protected from the cold

How should I overwinter my potted roses?

Pot Roses are a few years old with good care. They bloom lush and in many colors. To really enjoy them for a long time, you should winter your pot roses properly, because they do not tolerate severe frost.

Previous article May you plant pot roses in the garden?

Planted in pots, especially the roots easily freeze. Protect the root ball also from below from the cold, for example by a plate made of Styrofoam. The above-ground plant parts can be wrapped in a special fleece or bubble wrap or covered with leaves and brushwood. Remove the winter shelter around the end of March, when the hardest frost is over.

The ideal winter accommodation for your potted roses

It's best to spend the winter over your potted roses cool and dark. A frost-free garage, an unheated winter garden, a cellar or a greenhouse are very suitable as winter quarters. Protect your potted roses in any case from cold drafts.

Do not forget to water the plants, but reduce the amount a little over the pouring amount in the summer. Fertilizers do not need the pot roses during this time. After the Eisheiligen the pot roses are allowed to go outside again. Slowly get the plants back into the fresh air and sunlight.

The most important winter tips in brief:


If possible, bring your potted roses to a suitable wintering area. So their chances of survival are greatest and the plants are quickly fit again in the spring.