Plant tomatoes in the field - that's how it works in the hobby garden

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Plant tomatoes in the field - that's how it works in the hobby garden - Garden
Plant tomatoes in the field - that's how it works in the hobby garden - Garden


Plant tomatoes in the field - that's how it works in the hobby garden

Tomatoes are available in an overwhelming variety of varieties. The sparse store offer leaves much to be desired. Just build your favorite varieties in the garden. Find out how to master the project Tomatoes in the field successfully here.

Site selection sets the course for success

Tomatoes are among the few crops that do not have to change location every year. As long as they thrive, they are allowed to stay at the Stammplatz for years. Only the proximity to potatoes or other nightshade plants is absolutely to be avoided. What qualities an optimal location should have otherwise, we tell you here:

Breeding and hardening create small powerhouses

In the field, only the strongest tomato plants are able to cope with the local weather conditions. Therefore, attach importance to the strengthening of the resilience already during the cultivation in the house. Soak the seeds in chamomile tea, garlic juice or valerian flower extract before sowing. Only use sturdy seedlings. In addition, we recommend a phase of hardening before the young tomatoes finally move outdoors.

Planting and cultivating tomatoes in the field - the key points

When planting begins in mid-May, place the tomato plants in the bed at a distance of 60 centimeters. Pamper the starvation with a handful of compost, right into the planting hole. Then set the tomato in a slight oblique position to the leaf roots in the ground. Then beat the support rod into the ground and tie the first shoots.

Regularly pour tomato plants directly to the root area. Until flowering, the nutrient supply is limited to compost. From June / July, increase the dosage to a 14-day cycle with nettle or mineral nutrient fertilizer. Most tomato varieties thrive on luscious and yielding harvests once a week. Whoever heeds this fulcrum of care will be rewarded with magnificent tomatoes in abundance.

Tips & Tricks

If the construction of a rain canopy for tomato plants is too time-consuming, preferably plant cultivated varieties outdoors. 'Philona F1', 'Cupido' or the new breed 'Conqueror F 1' are also included.