Sow runner beans - step by step

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
★ How to: Grow Runner Beans from Seed (A Step by Step Guide)
Video: ★ How to: Grow Runner Beans from Seed (A Step by Step Guide)


Sow runner beans - step by step

Only about one centimeter big are the seeds of the barley bean. It grows up to 3 meters high plants, with innumerable, up to 28 cm long pods. The beginning is the sowing of the bean seeds, which takes place from mid-May to the end of July. Step by step we accompany you for a successful success.

1. Get seeds

The seed for the runner beans you get in the garden and hardware store or online shipping. A seed bag contains about 80 to 100 seeds. You plan 6 - 10 seeds per sowing point.

2. Prepare the bed

The garden bed in a sunny, sheltered place you dig deep. For fertilizing you mix in mature compost. If the soil temperature is at least 10 degrees Celsius, you can start sowing. The soil should be moderately moist and loosened immediately before sowing.

3. Set up trellis aids

So that the tendrils find a good grip from the beginning, you set up the trellises before sowing. Between the poles you keep a distance of 40 - 50 cm, about one meter to the next row.

4. Lay seeds

5. Care of seedlings and plant

After germination, the runner beans can be piled about 15 cm high. To germinate you need to keep the earth only moderately moist. Sufficient water is important for the growth of the plant. The tendrils usually wind themselves around the poles by themselves. If not, you can gently secure them with your hands.

Tips & Tricks

So that the seeds germinate faster, you can put them in water overnight. This softens the hard shell.