What to do if Thuja emerald gets brown discoloration?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Troubleshooting a Dead Arborvitae in Our Living Fence and Fixing The Problem
Video: Troubleshooting a Dead Arborvitae in Our Living Fence and Fixing The Problem


Brown discoloration can be the result of too much or too little water

What to do if Thuja emerald gets brown discoloration?

If the Thuja emerald gets brown spots, if the stems change color or if the tree of life gets brown tips, this is an alarm signal for the gardener. Rarely are diseases responsible for it. Thuja emerald brown discoloration is often caused by improper care or pest infestation.

Brown discoloration on the Thuja emerald

There are a number of reasons that can lead to brown discoloration in a Thuja emerald:

If it's just brown tips, you can just cut them off. If the tree of life suffers from extensive brown discoloration, a strong pruning can help. Sometimes the Thuja emerald is beyond salvation.

Diseases of the Thuja emerald

Thuja emerald suffers from a good location and with proper care rarely from diseases. However, a disease infestation can not be completely avoided if it is triggered by fungi or pests.

If the tree of life goes well otherwise, the hedge usually cope with a disease alone. You can strengthen them with special products from the garden trade.

Brown shoots due to fungal attack

Especially in the hedge comes due to the dense growth easier to fungal infection. Are you sure that it is a fungus, you can use a broad-spectrum fungicide.

Pests discolor the tree of life brown

As a pest occurs primarily the miner moth. It causes brown tips and causes the discoloration to spread to the whole shoot.

You can detect a pest infestation at the feeding passages in the shoots. In addition, there are small black Kothaufen on the needles.

Cut off any affected shoots and dispose of them. In case of heavy infestation, the use of a spray from the garden trade helps.

Brown discoloration of Thuja emerald due to external circumstances

Occasionally, the brown discoloration occurs because you cut the Thuja emerald at a bad time.

You should cut Thuja emerald only when the sun is not too strong and the branches are not too wet either.

Road salt also leads to brown shoots. Therefore always plant a thuja hedge sufficiently far away from roads and paths that are kept free of ice with road salt in winter.

Thuja emerald needs a lot of planting distance

Especially with Thuja emerald brown discolorations are more common. If the affected tree of life is in a hedge, it may be due to a too close planting distance. The roots then have not enough space, it is too dry or there are too few nutrients available.


Root rot occurs when the tree of life is in a wet location. Waterlogged Thuja does not tolerate emerald at all. Ensure good drainage of the soil.