Fertilize rosemary sparingly

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
In 60 Seconds or Sow: My Rosemary Won’t Germinate! - How to Get Rosemary to Germinate Well in 4 Tips
Video: In 60 Seconds or Sow: My Rosemary Won’t Germinate! - How to Get Rosemary to Germinate Well in 4 Tips


Fertilize rosemary sparingly

The Mediterranean rosemary has been a well-known and appreciated spice and medicinal herb since ancient times. Regarding its location, the shrub is quite demanding: as much sun as possible and the soil must not be too fat or too firm. But in terms of care, rosemary does not demand a lot of attention.

Fertilize planted rosemary

For rosemary planted in the garden, the same applies to fertilising as it does to watering: in principle, garden rosemary does not need to be fertilized, since the very widely branched roots, optimally adapted to the extremely meager conditions of the Mediterranean homeland, provide even the smallest amount of nutrients and to get water out of the earth. It is sufficient at the beginning of the growing season - ergo in the spring - to fertilize the rosemary bush with a little compost or horn shavings. By contrast, rosemary must not be fertilized in autumn or winter.

Do not mulch rosemary

Many gardeners like to mulch their beds because they save work in this way - the mulch produces fewer weeds that need to be weeded. However, Mediterranean herbs such as rosemary should not be mulched, as especially bark mulch stores moisture. In turn, rosemary is too wet, which does not tolerate the drought-loving plant at all. Instead of bark mulch, however, you can cover the bed with rosemary-friendly gravel, coarse gravel or pebbles to match the conditions of the Mediterranean home.

Fertilize pot rosemary

Just like garden rosemary rosemary in the pot should be fertilized sparingly. If you repot your plants once a year into fresh substrate, regular fertilizer even completely unnecessary. However, if the rosemary is rarely transplanted, it can be fertilized with diluted liquid fertilizer approximately every six to eight weeks. Begin fertilizing in spring and stop it again from the beginning / middle of August - from this point on the plant must prepare for the winter break and therefore no longer needs any nutrients.

Tips & Tricks

Rosemary is used to chalky soil, so you can make your Mediterranean herbs once or twice a year with a little bit of lime a pleasure. You can also incorporate the lime into the soil before planting in the bed or in the pot.