Can you poison a Thuja hedge?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
All you need to know about Thuja occidentalis Arborvitae
Video: All you need to know about Thuja occidentalis Arborvitae


Poison harms not only the Thuja hedge but also all other living things

Can you poison a Thuja hedge?

The removal of a Thuja hedge is associated with a lot of effort and sometimes high costs. Therefore, the question arises whether Thuja hedges can be poisoned. Although there are a few possibilities, but ultimately remains only the method to excavate the Thuja hedge and dispose.

Poison Thuja hedge - is that possible?

Of course, there are means by which you can also tackle a Thuja hedge. We recommend Round-Up, a weed product that is no longer approved for home use. As other means are often called:

Some of these applications can poison a thuja hedge so much that it ends up. However, this is not advisable in the interest of soil health and the health of garden owners. Last but not least, such an application harms the insects and other animal garden dwellers, which ensure a healthy garden climate.

When using chemical agents, you must assume that the garden will not be usable for months. You can not grow fruit and vegetables there for a long time.

Dig up Thuja hedge

The safest and safest, but unfortunately most labor-intensive way to remove a tree hedge, is sawing, digging and disposal.

Cut the hedge down so far that only one tree stump remains in the ground. It must be so long that you can attach the rope of a winch to it to get the rhizome out of the ground.

Alternatively, dig out the roots if the thuja is not that big yet. Since the Tree of Life is a shallow root, you do not have to dig so deep to get the roots out of the ground.

Just Tree of Life

If you saw off a tree of life directly above the ground, it will not drive out again. The roots rot in the soil over time.

If you pour a sufficient layer of topsoil over it, then you can sow grass again. By planting other plants you have to wait until the roots have decomposed.


The root system of a thuja does not reach far into the ground, but spreads below the surface. In Thuja hedges, the roots are so intertwined that it can be difficult to dig up the tree of life.