How To Plant Hollyhocks - Tips And Tricks

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW to PLANT and GROW HOLLYHOCKS plus TIPS for growing hollyhocks in HOT CLIMATES
Video: HOW to PLANT and GROW HOLLYHOCKS plus TIPS for growing hollyhocks in HOT CLIMATES


From May, the early Hollyhocks can go outdoors

How To Plant Hollyhocks - Tips And Tricks

In a cottage garden or a natural garden, the hollyhock, sometimes called Bauernrose should not be missed. But it also grows where you hardly expect it: on house walls and in narrow gaps. You can take advantage of that.

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The right floor and the best location

Hollyhocks like a nutrient-rich and well-drained soil, but no waterlogging. Choose a location that is as full as possible and sheltered from the wind. There she feels most comfortable, which shows her with lush flowering and health. She takes care of moisture and full shade and tends to malvenrost.

The hollyhock also thrives in the clear shade, but in a windy place it needs protection so that it does not tip over. Tie the tall, vigorous hollyhocks or give them a support, especially if they are planted individually. Slightly loosen up hard ground with coarse sand and enrich nutrient-poor soil with compost or manure. Hollyhocks look especially beautiful when planted in groups on walls or fences.

When is the best planting time?

Hollyhocks that have been brought forward in the pot over the winter can be planted from May. If you have sown the plants in the field, then in September there will be time to replant the hollyhocks to the place where they will bloom next year. Plant your hollyhocks in a bed, then keep them about 40 cm between each plant.

Plant the hollyhock in unusual places

Have you ever seen pictures of Danish streets, with houses in front of which hollyhocks bloom? They do not stand in the front yard, but directly on the wall of the house on the sidewalk or on the roadside. This sight is beautiful and not so rare. You too can let your hollyhocks bloom on the wall of the house.

The hollyhock is poorly planted in narrow cracks. Take care that the roots do not break off. You may need to remove paving stones to get a sufficiently large planting hole. It is easier if you sow the hollyhock right there.

Put some compost in the planting or seed hole and provide enough moisture. Cut this holly about a hand's breadth above the ground after flowering, so you can extend the life of this plant.

The best planting tips for hollyhocks:


Just plant hollyhocks on a drab wall and enjoy yourself and your fellow human beings with the colorful flowers.