When do you have to fertilize Thuja with Epsom salt?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
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If the thuja turns yellow, it may be due to magnesium deficiency

When do you have to fertilize Thuja with Epsom salt?

When fertilizing Thuja you can do wrong. The tree of life reacts to too much fertilizer just as badly as on too few nutrient supplies. Fertilizing with Epsom salt, which is often recommended, is only necessary if the hedge suffers from a very specific deficiency.

In case of magnesium deficiency, fertilize thuja with Epsom salt

If there are yellow tips in the thuja, you should think of magnesium deficiency in the soil. However, first examine the hedge for pests and fungal diseases. Also, check that the thuja is moist enough, but not too wet.

If all other causes are excluded, you should take a soil sample and have it examined in the laboratory. If there is a lack of magnesium, fertilizing with Epsom salt helps.

Regular fertilization with Epsom salt, as is often advised, does not make sense. Only if there is a deficiency should you use this mineral fertilizer.

Adhere exactly to the dosage

First, you have to choose a suitable product. Epsom salt may be administered in liquid or solid form.

The dosage instructions must be followed carefully to prevent over-acidification and thereby over-acidification of the soil.

For light soils, up to 4 grams of Epsom salt are applied per 100 grams of soil. For heavier soils, a dosage of up to 6 grams is sufficient. Only with very heavy loamy soil you may give up to 9 grams.

What time to fertilize with Epsom salt?

Fertilization with Epsom salt occurs immediately after the occurrence of the infestation and the confirmation by the laboratory.

You have to pay attention to that!

When spraying wet the tops and bottoms of the leaves, but not too close to the stem. The needles should not be dripping wet.

Epsom salt is sprinkled around the tree of life in solid form. The salt should preferably not be given directly to the trunk.


Fungal diseases are less common in the tree of life. However, there has been an increase in recent years. Often whole Lebensbaumhecken can not be saved.