Thuja Brabant turns brown - Causes and Remedy

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Arborvitae Turning Yellow - Arborvitae Browning In Middle - Arborvitae Turning Brown in Fall


Both wrong care and pests or diseases can be behind a brown color

Thuja Brabant turns brown - Causes and Remedy

Thuja Brabant is probably the most robust variety of the tree of life. Diseases are extremely rare and even pests hardly cause the tree of life. If a Thuja Brabant becomes brown, it is usually due to mistakes in care.

Why is Thuja Brabant turning brown?

The list of possible causes for the browning of Thuja Brabant is long:

Most problems cause incorrect care. Diseases are usually caused by care mistakes.

Diseases are rarely responsible for the discoloration

Apart from root rot, diseases in Thuja Brabant almost never occur. Against fungus-induced dying, this species of the tree of life is almost resistant.

Root rot is caused by too much moisture in the soil. When planting the hedge, make sure that the soil is permeable to water, so that no waterlogging can occur.

Pest infestation by the Miniermotte is also rarely a problem with the Thuja Brabant.

Avoid care mistakes

Make sure the floor is always slightly damp, but there is no waterlogging. When it is very dry, especially when the hedge is still young, water. This is also true in winter. Wait for frost-free days to water Thuja Brabant.

Over-fertilization is a real problem for the tree of life. Do not over-fertilize and follow the instructions on the packs.

Even better, you use only organic fertilizers such as compost, horn shavings and deposited manure. Mulching is also a great way to add nutrients to the hedge without over-fertilizing.

A good location for Thuja Brabant

Thuja Brabant likes like all Thujen varieties a sunny to partially shaded location, but tolerates too strong sunlight during the midday only badly. The needles then burn and turn brown.

Heavy wind also causes problems for Thuja Brabant. Therefore, plant the hedge so that it is not directly in a wind tunnel.


Thuja Brabant is a flatroot whose root system is not very deep in the earth, but spreads widely. The Tree of Life increases in length and height from 20 to 40 cm per year if it is not cut.