2 methods to increase daylilies

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing Daylilies: Daylily Types and Propagation
Video: Growing Daylilies: Daylily Types and Propagation


2 methods to increase daylilies

The flowers are multi-faceted and colorful, the location requirements and care are low - What more could you ask for? There are enough reasons to multiply the daylilies. That's how it works!

The most proven method: Share daylily

Sharing the daylily attacks most gardeners when the flowering force subsides. This happens with the years with each daylily, regardless of whether it was regularly fertilized.

The result of this propagation method are daughter plants that are identical to the mother plant. In the spring before budding or in autumn after flowering, the right time has come for sharing.

Proceed step by step

Next, dig out the root of the daylily. Free them from earth so that all places are easily recognizable. To clean the root, for example, a garden hose can be used. The roots are rinsed off with the water.

Often new sections have formed at the root. These can be separated by turning back and forth. Otherwise, the root is split in the middle. For this purpose, a sharp knife can be used.

Then the roots are planted separately. It should be 2 cm below the surface of the earth. Finally, remember to cut the leaves 15 cm above the ground and water the soil well.

A method that requires patience: sowing

6 to 8 weeks after flowering, the seed capsule is ripe. The seeds should be harvested on a dry day. After harvesting, they can be stratified in the refrigerator (germinate better) or dried.

In the spring between February and March the seeds can be sown in potting soil:

Tips & Tricks

If the young plants form leaves too long after sowing, they can be trimmed. Easy to grow new leaves.