Plant a sweet cherry: how are you?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Growing cherry trees bursting with fruit | Growing fruit and veg | Gardening Australia
Video: Growing cherry trees bursting with fruit | Growing fruit and veg | Gardening Australia


Plant a sweet cherry: how are you?

Not infrequently it happens that the freshly planted cherry tree, looks sad after a few weeks: its leaves turn yellow, brown and eventually dry up. Debt can be many factors. So that does not happen, here are some tips for planting.

Previous article Make the right choice: sweet cherry varieties Next article Cutting the sweet cherry: That's what it's all about!

When is the best time?

It is best to plant the sweet cherry outside your growing season in your garden in the fall. Then you have enough time to root well until spring. Alternatively, you can plant the sweet cherry in early spring on a frost-free day.

Which location is best?

It should be warm and sunny for the sweet cherry. The more sunlight streams towards her crown, the more flowers and more aromatic fruits she produces. Optimal would be a direct and protected southern exposure. Similarly, a half-shady location suitable for this fruit tree.

What demands does the sweet cherry put on the ground?

The basic requirement for a joyfully alert sweet cherry is a profound soil. He should be relaxed and best sandy easily. Furthermore, the sweet cherry benefits the following characteristics of the soil in the growth:

Which planting distance is necessary?

The sweet cherry can be as high trunk up to 20 m high and also requires a lot of space in the width. To other fruit trees a minimum distance of 5 m should be kept.

Are there any recommended plant neighbors?

Either you plant a self-fruiting sweet cherry such as the varieties 'Burlat', 'Lapins' or 'Sunburst' or you place a sour cherry or another sweet cherry variety next to it as a neighbor. So you can count on good yields in summer.

How is planting done?

Tips & Tricks

Most sweet cherries are more suitable for a mild climate. Be sure to plant a sturdy variety in a harsh area to prevent both frost damage and disease on the plant.