Milling the tree root - Tips for milling

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
milling elm tree Дерево - пещера
Video: milling elm tree Дерево - пещера


The milling should rather be left to the expert

Milling the tree root - Tips for milling

A tree root in the garden is perceived as disturbing by many gardeners. It is not easy to remove, especially if the tree has been very large. If you can not or do not want to dig up the root, you have the option to split it with a bur and get it out of the ground.

Milling tree root - do it yourself or hire a specialist?

Milling a tree root is not recommended for laymen. The use of a motor milling machine involves many dangers. Some gardeners underestimate the force with which the device works. Injuries are therefore inevitable if the milling is carried out improperly.

It is advisable, especially in the case of a large tree trunk, to commission a specialist company with the work if you want to dispose of the remains of the felled tree. These companies have the necessary know-how and have milling machines and cables for all work available. Upon request, you can create an offer with all costs incurred - and at the same time take over the transport of the resulting material.

The prices for a company that carries out the milling work are manageable. They are often not much higher than the rental fee for a motor cutter. In any case, you save a lot of work if you have the disposal of the tree root by experts.

How much is a milling machine?

If you would like to mill the tree roots in the garden yourself, you can rent a motor cutter from a specialist dealer. It is usually not worth buying a milling machine yourself, as it is usually not that common that trees have to be felled.

The cost of the rental can be up to 250 euros per day. You also need protective clothing when working with the router.

Observe the safety instructions enclosed with the device. Keep children, animals and unauthorized persons away!

Rout tree root

Tree roots can even be planted with grass. All you have to do is mill out the root of the tree so that you can spread a layer of earth 10 to 15 cm above it.

Then you can lay turf or sow lawns.

Tree root decomposes in the ground

Milling tree trunk and tree root has the advantage that you can simply leave the remains of the root in the ground. Depending on the size of the former tree, it takes a few years for the tree root to decompose in the soil. The process can be accelerated by milling and splitting the root.

In addition, you can sprinkle some compost starter and mature compost into the holes created by the milling. As a result, the tree root decomposes much faster.


Digging out a tree root is a task that many gardeners do not feel up to. Often, the whole garden is affected. It is usually better to simply leave the tree stump and use it as a natural garden decoration.