Plant tree root - How to beautify your garden

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Plant tree root - How to beautify your garden

A tree root in the garden does not have to be disturbing. If you do it right, you can even plant the root. Under greening, the rest of the felled tree disappears very quickly. How can you plant the tree root?

Plant tree root - different possibilities

It takes many years for a tree root to decompose in the garden. If you leave the root in the ground for ecological reasons or you do not want to remove it for other reasons, you can make it disappear by various means.

The easiest way is to simply plant the tree root. Suitable plants are those that rooted flat, like succulents like to grow on rotting wood or vine plants that spread over the root.

You can even lay turf over the tree root if you prepare it accordingly.

Sow tree root in the lawn

In order to sow a tree root with turf, you have to mill it out first so that you can cover it with a layer of soil 10 to 15 cm above it.

Once you have applied the soil layer, you can sow the grass seed. It's even easier and faster when you roll out turf rolls over the tree root.

Greening tree roots by climbing plants

Which climbing and climbing plants are suitable for greening, depends on the location of the tree root. Ivy grows very well in very shady spots. Plant in few small offshoots around the tree slice and place the tendrils over the slice.

Partial shade locations are ideal for Clematis and Jelängerjelieber. Small and large evergreens are also a good choice for planting tree roots.

In sunny places, sow magnificent winds. Nasturtium or Gartenwicken are ideal for planting the root of the tree. You have to sow these flowers every year.

Plant succulents

There are some succulent garden plants that thrive on rotting wood well. These include native orchids, shamflowers and moss species. Depending on the species, there are succulents for shady, partially shaded and full sun locations.

Do not remove such plants from nature, but purchase them in the garden trade, as many of them are under nature conservation.


In many trees, the roots in the soil continue to thrive even after felling. Therefore, check frequently whether new shoots have formed. These should be removed immediately.