To multiply the shrub peony itself

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Growing Peonies From Seed πŸ’πŸŒΊπŸ’ Collecting, Germinating and Growing to Maturity
Video: Growing Peonies From Seed πŸ’πŸŒΊπŸ’ Collecting, Germinating and Growing to Maturity


Propagation via seeds is very promising in the case of shrub peony

To multiply the shrub peony itself

With its eye-catching flowers, the usually uncomplicated hardy peony peony is an enrichment in any garden. There are a whole range of options available for the propagation of this plant, which differs from perennial peony.

Early article Cut the shrub peony in the garden properly

Harvest the seeds and grow young plants from them

When cultivating shrub peonies, it is often recommended to cut off the withered inflorescences immediately after flowering so as to save the plants the energy needed to form the relatively large seeds. If, on the other hand, you want to harvest seeds that are capable of germination, you must let the seeds ripen on the plants until they can finally be harvested from the burst seed pods in autumn. Although seed multiplication is the only way to naturally produce new crosses of flower colors, it is not uncommon for shrubby peony because of its long duration. In order to accelerate the germination, which can sometimes take up to two or three years, the seeds can be stratified by alternately soaking in water and freezing.

The division of older copies

If you have planted the bush peonies in your garden at the right location, then such a plant can grow up to 60 years without transplanting. Any (groundless) transplanting of the peonies should be avoided as far as possible, since it slows the plants in their growth and flower formation. However, older specimens can be excavated for propagation purposes and divided by cutting or sawing. Make sure that each section has at least 2 or 3 buds and the smallest possible wound area.

The usual methods of processing of tree peony

Commercially sold seedlings of shrub peony in pots are usually grafted. The following procedures are available:

In the nurse refinement or Geißfußmethode a scion of the shrub peony is usually ennobled in August or September on a root of a perennial peony. This root then serves as the supply root in the first 2 or 3 years of the young plant, before it is finally repelled. However, this can only work if the offshoots have been planted deep enough to allow rooting directly on the attached shrubs of the shrub peony.


The propagation of the shrub peony can also be done without finishing by the rooting of cuttings. For this a special rooting hormone should be used and a time in early autumn should be chosen.