The perfect care for the shrub peony

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Peonies | Growing Tips & FAQ: Garden Home VLOG (2019) 4K
Video: Peonies | Growing Tips & FAQ: Garden Home VLOG (2019) 4K


A good care rewards the shrub peony with numerous flowers

The perfect care for the shrub peony

The shrub peony (Paeonia suffruticosa) should be planted in the garden at a carefully selected location, as the transplanting of these shrubs is very poorly tolerated. In terms of color, there are virtually no limits to your imagination when it comes to shrub peeling, as countless varieties are available with flowers in all colors and also as fully flowering varieties.

Early Article Plant the shrub peony in the garden Next article Cut the shrub peony in the garden properly

How often does the shrub peony have to be watered?

Since the shrub peony does not tolerate waterlogging, the soil should have a certain permeability. Accordingly, it must be watered regularly, especially during summer dry periods. When casting, be sure not to wet the flowers and leaves of the plants with the irrigation water.

When and how can the shrub peony be gently transplanted?

If it can somehow be avoided, the shrub peony (even over decades) should not be transplanted. If necessary, the plants can be implemented carefully in early spring or autumn, whereby older specimens should be necessarily shared.

At what time and how is the shrub peony cut back?

Shrub peonies do not necessarily have to be cut, but a regular cut can rejuvenate the plants and promote flowering. It should always be cut directly over an outward bud. If you do not want to harvest seeds, you should spare the plants the effort of seed formation by removing the withered inflorescences.

Which diseases and pests can cause damage to the peony peony?

The worst part of the shrub peony is the so-called gray mold (Botrytis), which can also be favored by incorrect watering and a too moist location. The infestation can also be triggered by a damp and humid weather in spring and by unripe compost and can be recognized by the following symptoms:

Affected plant parts must not be allowed on the compost, because otherwise the gray mold can spread further. In trade special fungicides are offered for the fight.

How is the shrub peony optimally fertilized?

Nutrient-poor soils should be enriched with compost or seasoned manure before planting the shrub peony. Particularly important is the fertilization after flowering, as only so a strong flowering and healthy growth in the following year are possible. While nitrogen-containing fertilizers can promote fungal diseases, a potassium-rich fertilizer contributes optimally to a strong flowering.

How do you get the shrub peony well through the winter?

In the first years, young plants should be protected against winter frost, if possible with a sprig of pine or similar material. Of course, this must be removed in time in spring, so as not to hinder the shootout. Older shrub peonies are usually hardy winter hardy, as they grow in their areas of origin in higher mountain areas.


Shrub peonies are considered relatively under-competitive and should be planted in a location where the soil is not too deeply rooted with the roots of alien trees and shrubs.