Plant beach lilac in your own garden

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Backyard Winter Garden Tour, Victoria, British Columbia
Video: Backyard Winter Garden Tour, Victoria, British Columbia


Beach lilac is a charming garden plant

Plant beach lilac in your own garden

The plant genus Limonium includes within the family of leadwort plants over 300 species of beach lilac. However, only a few widespread varieties, such as Limonium sinuatum, are available from specialist retailers and can be cultivated even on poor garden soils with little care.

What should be considered when planting the beach lilac?

The planting hole for the beach lilac should be about twice as large as the root ball of the plant, so that a drainage layer of sand and gravel can be used to prevent the risk of waterlogging. If a compacted root ball of sea lavender pulled in a pot is slightly loosened by hand before planting, this facilitates the rooting of the plant at the new location.

Which location is suitable for the sea lavender?

For a healthy growth of the beach lilac needs a full sun, this is rewarded with particularly beautiful flowers. On the other hand, lean and barren soils are not a problem as the beach lilac with its long tap root can easily grow on nutrient-poor sand dunes. On dry slopes exposed to the wind, freshly planted specimens should be covered with a layer of gravel to prevent wind erosion from sandy-dry soil and subsequent exposure of the roots.

Can the beach lilac be brought forward in the house?

On the windowsill, the seeds of the beach lilac at about 20 degrees Celsius from March and April can be preferred in lean potting soil. Since a high humidity is beneficial during the germination phase, plastic bags can be pulled over the individual sowing pots.

When and how can the beach lilac be transplanted?

The best time for transplanting the sea lavender is in the spring, freshly raised seedlings should be planted out in the field only from May due to their still lack of hardiness.

What multiplication possibilities are there with the Limonium?

The beach lilac can be propagated by sowing the seeds or by so-called root cuttings. For this, root pieces are cut from older specimens during transplanting and planted in separate seed pots.

When does the beach lilac bloom?

The flowering time of the various subspecies of the genus Limonium may vary slightly, but generally the plants bloom rather persistently between June and September.

Which substrate makes the sea lavender thrive particularly well?

As the beach lilac only tolerates waterlogged and rainy locations badly, it should be planted in a deep and permeable soil material. Ideally, this plant grows on a sandy-dry soil with a certain amount of lime.

At what distance should beach lilac be planted?

If a slope is to be planted flat with beach lilac, then a distance of about 30 - 40 centimeters should be maintained between the individual plants. Possible neighbors for the sea lavender are:


If the inflorescences of the beach lilac are cut off shortly after flowering and dried, then they can serve as a decorative component pretty bouquets and arrangements due to their color fastness.