Do I have to prefer hollyhocks in warm weather?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW to PLANT and GROW HOLLYHOCKS plus TIPS for growing hollyhocks in HOT CLIMATES
Video: HOW to PLANT and GROW HOLLYHOCKS plus TIPS for growing hollyhocks in HOT CLIMATES


From May, the hollyhock can move outdoors

Do I have to prefer hollyhocks in warm weather?

You may prefer your Hollyhocks for the next season in the home or in a heated greenhouse. However, this is not absolutely necessary. Hollyhocks can also be sowed outdoors.

Sowing hollyhocks properly

If you prefer to pick your hollyhocks in winter, start sowing around February. Even in March, you can still sow in the apartment, from April is recommended rather the cultivation in the field. Hollyhocks grown in the field are more robust and more resistant to winter than those preferred in warm rooms.

The seeds of hollyhock are big enough to be distributed individually in the seed pot. This will make it easier for you later to pique the young plants. Water the seeds well and keep them evenly moist during the germination period. After about 2 - 3 weeks the first green leaves are visible. A few weeks later you can gently prick the plantlets.

Plant hollyhocks

If the days are already pleasantly mild in May, then put your house-drawn hollyhocks out by the hour during the day. So you can slowly get used to the sun and the fresh air. If no night frost is to be expected, then plant the hollyhocks in the chosen sunny spot.

You should transplant field-sown hollyhocks in the fall, then you have enough time to grow before the winter and form their deep tap roots. Next year you can look forward to the colorful flower from about June or July.

The essentials in brief:


Hollyhocks, which have been brought forward in February, can flower in the year of sowing. If you have opted for these plants late, there is still the chance of an early flowering.