Cut hollyhocks correctly - the most important tips

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hollyhocks Winter Care
Video: Hollyhocks Winter Care


Hollyhocks also do well as cut flowers

Cut hollyhocks correctly - the most important tips

Hollyhocks bloom from July to September. Their large blossoms have a diameter of 6 - 10 cm and delight not only the garden owner, also bumblebees like the Malvengewächs. The flowers are even edible.

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Do hollyhocks need to be cut regularly?

Hollyhocks do not need to be cut regularly. In the first year you should not think about it, because the hollyhock forms at this time only a rosette of leaves. Only in the apartment early or already sown in the previous autumn plants may already bloom. However, the warm-preferred hollyhocks are less robust and hardy than grown outdoors.

Cut for a longer flowerage

In principle, the hollyhock belongs to the biennial perennials. In the year of sowing, it does not bloom yet, it only appears a leaf rosette. Only in the second year you can look forward to the large bright flowers.

If you cut your hollyhock after flowering and before seedling, it will sprout and flower again next year, but less abundantly, and the susceptibility to disease increases with age.

Are Hollyhocks suitable for the vase?

The hollyhock is also suitable as a cut flower. Cut the stems when only three or four single flowers have opened. In the vase will then open more buds. Change the water in the vase every two or three days to keep your hollyhocks longer.

Can I use hollyhocks in the kitchen?

The flowers and the roots of the hollyhock are edible, both can be used in the kitchen or in the medicine chest. Cut only undamaged and fully opened flowers for consumption.

You can make a tea from it or use the flowers as an edible decoration. The roots are cut into small pieces before infusion. A tea from hollyhocks is said to help with coughing and hoarseness, but also against loss of appetite and diarrhea.

The essentials in brief:


Pruning before semen formation will help your hollyhock live longer and resume its flowering next year.