Does the hollyhock often suffer from pests?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Complete Hollyhock Timeline | BoJack Horseman
Video: The Complete Hollyhock Timeline | BoJack Horseman


Snails are the biggest enemy of hollyhocks

Does the hollyhock often suffer from pests?

Not only people like the edible hollyhock, which is even one of the old medicinal plants, also some pests like to have the mallow plant to eat. If your plant is going to stay beautiful and bloom profusely, then bend over.

Which pests are particularly troublesome for the hollyhock?

Snails are particularly troublesome to the hollyhock because they especially like the young leaves. The younger the plant is, the greater the damage that snails can cause. Under heavy snail feeding, the whole plant may enter. Also the moth terrestrial, beetle, caterpillars, spider mites or the shrew like to feed on the hollyhock.

How to prevent pest infestation

The best precaution against diseases and the pest infestation is an ideal location and a good care. Strong and healthy plants are less frequently attacked, they are simply more resistant.

Always plant hollyhocks in as sunny a spot as possible, with well-drained but not too moist soil. Water the plants regularly during the flowering summer. This also helps against the mallow ground flea, which occurs especially on dry and firm ground.

Pest control in the hollyhock

Against snails, the regular collection of the voracious animals helps at the beginning of the darkness. In wet summers, the snails are especially abundant. Then it may also be necessary to use slug pellets to control the plague.

Spraying with nettle often helps against other pests. Unfortunately, this spray is very odor-intensive. If you are sensitive to the relationship, it is best to use a lye of water and curd soap. The effect is similarly good. They should resort to insecticides only in case of very strong infestation.

The most important tips against pests:


The healthier and stronger your hollyhocks are, the less they suffer from diseases and pests. Therefore do not buy or plant any weak hollyhocks.