Can a watermelon be fed to rabbits?

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Rabbit eating watermelon ASMR
Video: Rabbit eating watermelon ASMR


Can a watermelon be fed to rabbits?

Ripe watermelons are a refreshing fruit in summer, as they contain around 95% water. Since the temptation on hot days is great, even pets to share in this sweet refreshment.

Rabbits slowly get used to new feed

The rabbits are like humans, many have their own taste and are not at all enthusiastic about certain foods. Since watermelons are usually not harmful as a low-dose variety on the diet, you can test with a small piece of whether your rabbit eats this. Sometimes, curiosity over the fear of the unknown may take some time, so place fresh pieces of watermelon in the food bowl for a few days, even if the fruit is not sniffed and accepted the first time.

Pay attention to the origin and variety

Since the growing of watermelons requires a preference of the seeds or ideally also a greenhouse, the watermelon to be fed will usually be a specimen purchased in the supermarket. In this country, watermelons often come from the following countries:

Therefore, if you are unsure whether the fruits were injected in any way, you should remove the green peel before feeding to be sure. In addition, you should prefer the Crimson Sweet variety to a Sugar Baby because of its lower sugar content.

The quantity is important

Since watermelons contain a lot of water and also a certain amount of sugar, they should always be fed to rabbits in small quantities. Otherwise, it may cause diarrhea and other digestive irregularities.

Tips & Tricks

Even rodents appreciate the refreshing effect of a watermelon even more if it was previously stored refrigerated in the basement or refrigerator.