Plants for the rock garden in the shade

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Shade Garden Rockery Planting
Video: Shade Garden Rockery Planting


Many species of sedges also thrive in the shade

Plants for the rock garden in the shade

Rock gardens are mostly in the sun, which is why it is often planted with sun-hungry, drought-tolerant plants such as grasses or woody plants. For rock gardens in the shade, the selection of plants is somewhat limited, but there are quite a few grasses, perennials and woody plants that thrive well in the shade. Below is a list of the most beautiful shade plants for your stone bed.

Shadow is not the same shade

Most plants can handle half-shade well, even shadows are often still tolerable. It only becomes problematic when the plants get less than an hour of sun or even no sun. That only a few plants like. The following is a list of grasses, shrubs and perennials that tolerate both total shade and light shade or very little sunlight.

Shadow-friendly plants for the rock garden

In general, most plants whose name begins with "forest" are well tolerated by shadows. These include, above all, native forest plants such as wild strawberry, ferns or forest stones. But since the rock garden often uses grasses and woody plants, plants with a strong solitaire character, you will find below a list of shady ornamental grasses and shrubs for your rock garden.
If you want to add some color to your rock garden, you will find a list of shady perennials here.

Shadow compatible grasses for the stone bed

Shadow-friendly trees for the rock garden