This is how the turnip cultivation works

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Grow Lots of Turnips from Seed to Harvest
Video: How to Grow Lots of Turnips from Seed to Harvest


This is how the turnip cultivation works

Turnips are low in calories, healthy, known as livestock feed, are considered traditional autumn and winter vegetables and today enjoy high popularity in gourmet restaurants. These are just some of the reasons to grow them in your own garden. Here we go!

What should be considered when sowing directly in the field?

Swedes are usually sown directly in the field between June and July. At a temperature between 15 and 18 ° C the seeds germinate after 7 to 10 days. But first, the following should not be forgotten:

Is it worth it to prefer the turnips?

The preference is not worthwhile, but a real alternative to outdoor sowing for impatient people. The seeds are sown in pots at the earliest from the end of May. 4 seeds 1 to 2 cm deep in a pot and covered with soil. Once the first leaves are visible, the plants can be separated. The planting happens in June.

Which are good and bad plant neighbors?

Peas, lamb's lettuce, tomatoes, dill, beans, celery and cucumbers are good planting neighbors. Bad neighbors like potatoes, garlic, kohlrabi and onions, on the other hand, prefer to stay away from swede.

What features should location and ground have?

A sunny to half-shady location is enough for the swede to grow. The soil should be moist, neutral to basic and suitable for medium-heavy users. Ideally, it is fertilized with compost before sowing. In the growth phase should be dispensed with a fertilizer.

How and when does the harvest take place?

Just in time for the start of the season, the turnips can be harvested. This is the case at the end of September at the earliest. If necessary, the turnips are pulled out of the earth with the aid of a grave fork. Then the leaves are turned off.

The later the beets are harvested, the better they are storable. But: by the end of November at the latest, all turnips should be harvested. The reason: they do not tolerate prolonged periods of frost with temperatures below -8 ° C.

Tips & Tricks

In the case of swede beet, it is important to ensure crop rotation (at least three years' waiting period) for good yields and a low risk of diseases and pests.