Does Holly often suffer from diseases?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
God, why did you let this happen? | Holly Furtick
Video: God, why did you let this happen? | Holly Furtick


Brown leaves often indicate lack of water

Does Holly often suffer from diseases?

The easy-care holly is very resistant and is very rarely attacked by diseases or pests. Therefore, the Ilex requires no special protection or preventive measures. A bright location with slightly moist soil is enough for a healthy development.

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For which diseases is holly susceptible?

Only rarely does the holly suffer from a fungal infection. Then you should check the soil conditions. Is there any waterlogging? She does not tolerate her ilex well, just as he does not like calcareous soil.

Also rarely occur pests such as the Ilexminierfliege, drive winders or Wollschildläuse. At a low infestation, it may be enough if they spray the affected plant with a sharp jet of water. In case of a stronger infestation you can also cut off the affected shoots, but the holly only grows slowly. Therefore, you should not start a cut without thinking.

Why does my holly have discolored leaves?

If your holly gets brown leaves, then this is usually not an indication of a disease but a sign of lack of water. Mostly this occurs in winter or early spring. Winter hardy holly is evergreen and needs plenty of water even in winter, because it constantly evaporates moisture through its leaves.

Often the casting is forgotten in winter and many garden owners think in the spring, his plants would be frozen. This is rarely the case. Like holly, all evergreens should be watered on frost-free days in winter, especially when the sun is shining.

The essentials in brief:


Holly or yellow discolored leaves generally do not indicate holly disease or pest but low water supply.