Staudenbeete for replanting: Three beautiful ideas

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
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Video: Ideas for Skinny Side Yards! 🌿// Garden Answer


White and purple is a noble color combination

Staudenbeete for replanting: Three beautiful ideas

Staudenbeete want to be well planned, because after all, the perennials grow every year again. There are many different options for designing a perennial bed. Below are some nice ideas about perennial flowerbeds for replanting.

The size and the color makes it

The most important thing when planning a perennial bed is the flower colors and the height of the plants. Perennial borders are often made colorful, but also a color accentuation is possible by e.g. plant mainly white and blue flowering perennials. In this article you will find perennials of different stature height. Here we will give you concrete perennials for replanting, which are based on the size and flower color of the perennials.

Another important factor in the perennial flowerbed is the location. If your perennial plant bed gets little or no sun, scroll down to the sub-item "Perennial Plants in the Shadow". Otherwise, read our planets for sunny perennial beds:

The brightly glowing perennial border

If you like sunny, bright colors, you should let orange, yellow and red dominate in your perennial flowerbed. For example:

The noble perennial flowerbed in white and purple

Those who prefer not so colorful, can combine pure white flowering perennials with delicate pink or purple Blütenschönheiten and thus receives a noble-looking perennial flowerbed. Here is an example planting plan:

The perennial border for the shade

Many perennials thrive best in the sun. But even for perennial beds in the shade can be made to bloom, with the following perennials:

The design of the perennial bed

Not only the plants are crucial for the design of the perennial flowerbed. Even the bedding border, decorative elements and accompanying plants such as woody plants and grasses give the perennial bed its finishing touch. Learn more about the design in this post.