Worth knowing about the seeds of the spider flower

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Planting a Whole Bunch of Flower Seeds for the Cut Garden! 🌸🌿🌼 // Garden Answer
Video: Planting a Whole Bunch of Flower Seeds for the Cut Garden! 🌸🌿🌼 // Garden Answer


The seeds of the spider flower need some time to mature

Worth knowing about the seeds of the spider flower

The long thin stamens of the spider flower resemble spider legs and give the plant its name. If she feels comfortable at her location, then she is self-sufficient and will delight the viewer for many weeks with her exceptionally decorative flowers.

What do the seeds of the spider flower look like?

The seeds of the spider flower grow in elongated pods. If these pods are pale yellow, the seeds are still immature and whitish. They should ripen on the plant as long as possible. However, if you have small children playing unattended in the garden, caution is advised as the spider flower is poisonous.

In the dark, slightly shriveled pods are the ripe greyish-black seeds. The seeds should be kept dry and cool until sowing. They are capable of germination for up to three years. In contrast to the plants, they are even hardy.

Are the seeds poisonous?

The seeds of the spider flower are actually poisonous. They contain substances that resemble the alkaloids and plenty of mustard oil glycosides. Consumption of the seeds triggers gastrointestinal complaints. These can be improved by the intake of activated carbon.

Sow the spider flower

If you want to sow the spider flower directly into the field, then you should wait until there are no more night frosts and the temperature is permanently at about 18 -20 ° C. In the house or even in the heated greenhouse, you can begin at the end of February with the advance of the spider flower.

As light germinators, the seeds are not covered with substrate or soil, at most thinly sprinkled. A constant humidity and an equally constant heat are important prerequisites for the seeds to germinate well. If there are still no seedlings after about 14 - 20 days, then you should check these conditions and correct them if necessary.

Worth knowing in bullet points:


The seeds of the spider flower are hardy. They germinate next spring as soon as the temperature is permanently around 18 - 20 ° C.