Is the spindle shrub hardy?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
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Older spindle shrubs survive mild winters easily

Is the spindle shrub hardy?

Although the spindle shrub is considered hardy, but not all varieties tolerate the frost equally well. Not only the maximum frost temperatures play a decisive role, but also the duration of the frost period and the humidity.

Previous article Can you multiply the spindle shrub yourself?

Because often the plants die of thirst in winter, because they get no moisture. Especially evergreen varieties, which are often planted in a hedge, need a minimum of water even in winter.

How to care for the spindle shrub in winter?

Young plants should protect you from frost in the first year. The spindle shrub grows relatively slowly, so you can easily transport the plants in a wintering area or covered with a layer of leaves or brushwood. Adult spindle shrubs only need this winter protection during a longer frost period or in very cold winters.

Since this is difficult to predict, protect your spindle shrub from frost in general when you live in a cold area. Even shrubs that are in pots or pots, are particularly at risk. Put them into a cool greenhouse over the winter or wrap the planter in an old blanket or bubble wrap. To protect the root ball from freezing.

In winter, the spindle shrub needs very little water. But do not forget to pour it once in a while. The root ball should not completely dry out. On the other hand, you can do without fertilizer until spring.

Can you save a frozen spindle bush?

Of course, if the shrub is completely frozen, you can not save it anymore. Or maybe you're lucky, and the roots survived the frost. In this case, cut the spindle shrub radically back. Remove all discolored and muddy parts of the plant.

Support growth with a small dose of fertilizer or well-rotted compost. Maybe your spindle shrub will do this again. Give him winter protection next winter.

The best winter tips for the spindle shrub:


If your spindle shrub is in a planter, then protect the root ball from frostbite. The frost can penetrate from all sides and has an easy play if you do not wrap the vessel.