Sticky notes for sowing spinach

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Notes for IB Biology Chapter 9.4
Video: Notes for IB Biology Chapter 9.4


Sticky notes for sowing spinach

Spinach is a popular vegetable that is rich in vitamins and iron. It can be grown in the garden twice a year. Sowing time is spring or summer. The spinach is sown straight into the field. An overview of sowing, varieties, soil and bed neighbors is the following note.

Saattermine for summer and autumn spinach

Summer spinach is sown from March to May. It is harvested from April to June.
From August to September, it is time to sow the autumn spinach, which is harvested from late September to November.

variety selection

Consider space requirements

If the spinach is grown in rows, the distance between the rows is 20 cm. Between the plants should be about 10 to 20 cm space.

With good beet neighbors in mixed culture

As pre- and postculture in the vegetable garden

Since spinach is sown in early spring, it is ideal as a preculture. Because of his short maturity, he gives the place in the bed already in May again. Vegetables that are sown in the late spring between the spinach plants will find enough space to grow after the spinach harvest.

On harvested beds of new potatoes, strawberries or peas, the autumn spinach is cultivated as an aftergrowth starting in August.

Prepare soil

In the vegetable garden, the spinach prefers a sunny to partially shaded spot. Spinach is a deep root, so the soil should be deeply loosened up. For nutrient supply, compost is added.

An additional fertilizer is not necessary. Chemical fertilizer would put additional stress on the spinach plant and unnecessarily increase the nitrate content.

The sowing

Tips & Tricks

If the temperatures are too cold when sowing in March and September, warming fleece that is placed over plants will help. At the same time this prevents shooting of the plants during subsequent warmer temperatures.