Pull sundew from seed

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Sow Carnivorous Plant Seeds - Drosera Seeds
Video: How to Sow Carnivorous Plant Seeds - Drosera Seeds


After flowering, the sundew forms seeds that can be used for propagation

Pull sundew from seed

You can propagate sundew or drosera yourself by cutting leaf cuttings or pulling the plant out of seeds. Seeds are available from well-stocked specialist retailers. With a little luck, you can harvest it from existing sundew plants.

Sundew is self-pollinating

Sundew belongs to the plants that are self-pollinating. If the Drosera is cultivated as a pure houseplant, it may be useful to additionally pollinate the flowers with a brush.

In the flowers capsule fruits form, in which countless small black seeds ripen. In nature, the seed is spread by the wind.

So you harvest the seed

The capsules of the sundew open when the seed is ripe. The very small grains then fall out.

If you would like to harvest seeds for the propagation of sundew, place a flat plate under the flower. As soon as it has completely withered, you will see the capsule fruits. Gently shake the seeds from the fruits onto the plate.

Pull sundew from seed

Subtropical Drosera species can be cultivated throughout the year in the home. You can and should sow the seed immediately. To do this, prepare small pots that will fill you with substrate for carnivores. Moisten the substrate well.

Sprinkle the seeds as thin as possible and lightly press them on the surface.

Pull a plastic bag over the pots to keep the humidity constant. Ventilate the foil regularly so that the seed does not rot.

Care of Drosera seedlings

Place the pots in a warm, full-sunny place. To keep the substrate moist, the seeds are kept in the so-called damming process.

To do this, place the pots in a deep coaster that you always fill with water when the substrate has absorbed the water.

It can take up to five weeks for the seeds to germinate.


Seeds of hardy Drosera species require a cold phase. If you do not want to sown the sundew immediately, put the seed in the fridge for a few weeks. You can also put the already seeded pots in the fridge.