For what purpose should one cut the sun bride?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The sun bride also does well as a cut flower in the vase

For what purpose should one cut the sun bride?

The Sun Bride, also known as Helenium, presents itself richly decorated with its flower suns. However, if you neglect cutting, you must expect a shorter flowering time - even in a sunny spot. But other reasons make cutting useful.

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To extend the flowering time, cut

From July to September, the sunflower's heyday can continue. Ostensibly, gardeners grab at her scissors in order to prolong the flowering period. Withered flowers should be cut off regularly. The first withered specimens are usually seen at the end of July. If they are removed, new flower buds form quickly.

To preserve a neat look cut

Furthermore, a cut is made to keep the sun bride visually appealing. Your growth will become overburdened and overloaded over time. Therefore, it is important to maintain properly:

Into the new season - cut back before

A radical pruning should be done at the end of the old season or at the beginning of the new season. Impatient people can cut back Helenium in autumn. But better is the pruning in the spring between late February and early March. All stems are cut back to just above the ground.

Use clippings - for vase and for augmenting

The clippings that occur when cutting the sunbeam does not always have to land on the compost. You can use the freshly flowered flowers as cut flowers for the vase. Cut the stems early in the morning. The flowers stay in the vase for about 1 week.

In addition, you can leave the last flowers in late summer to later gain seeds. Once the fruit stalks have matured, you can cut them off. At home you can dry them and read out the seeds.

Downy shoots that occur during radical pruning, can be used for cuttings propagation. The cuttings are later planted at a distance of 30 cm to each other and poured well.


After cutting in the spring, you can split and transplant the sunburn, if desired (recommended every 3 years).