Pulling sunflowers on the balcony

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Repotting Sunflowers Seeds🌻
Video: Repotting Sunflowers Seeds🌻


The larger the pot, the bigger the sunflowers on the balcony

Pulling sunflowers on the balcony

Sunflowers can be easily pulled in the pot or bucket on the balcony. However, they are not as big as in the field. As it is often very draughty on the balcony, you should use small varieties as a precaution. How to care for sunflowers on the balcony.

Select small varieties

Large sunflower varieties do not reach their full height on the balcony. In addition, the pots are usually too small, so that the roots can not spread properly.

Therefore, sow rather small-sized varieties, such as "Double Dandy", "Teddy Bear" or "Yellow Tots". These sunflower varieties use less space.

The bigger the pot, the bigger the sunflower

To plant sunflowers on the balcony, the planters should be as large and, above all, deep.

Window boxes are not suitable for planting sunflowers because they are simply too low.

The planters need vent holes so that rainwater and irrigation water can drain off. Even if the sunflower likes it damp - you do not get waterlogging.

A good location on the balcony

The sunnier the location on the balcony, the better the sunflowers will thrive. Make sure that the pots are not directly in the drafts.

When the flowers have grown and large, heavy flower heads have formed, a stronger gust of wind can break the stems.

If you can not offer sheltered space, tie the sunflowers to buttresses.

Maintain sunflowers on the balcony

In the pot sunflowers need a lot of water. At least every morning on rain-free days. In very dry, hot summers you often have to give water again in the afternoon.

Sunflowers on the balcony need a lot of nutrients. Fertilize the plants at least once, preferably twice a week with liquid flower fertilizer.

The seeds of sunflowers that you breed on the balcony should not be eaten or fed to birds or pets. They are often hormone-burdened.

Tips & Tricks

The flower of the sunflower always focuses on the course of the sun. During the day, the flower head turns from east to west. In French sunflowers are therefore also called "Tournesol" = "turn to the sun".