Cut rambler roses properly: cut depends on the variety

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Rules for Pruning Roses
Video: 7 Rules for Pruning Roses


More flowering rambler roses can be cut back vigorously in the spring

Cut rambler roses properly: cut depends on the variety

Ramblers (from English "to ramble") beautify every garden and turn dead trees, bare walls and similar unsightly spots in the garden in no time wildly romantic points of view. Their vigorous growth and the lush flowers are typical features of the rambler roses, of which there are numerous varieties. Their flexible shoots conquer every free inch - no wonder that from time to time a cutback is due. However, how and when to cut back on your rambler rose depends primarily on the variety.

Early article plant rambler roses properly Next article Ramblerrose - care, cutting, diseases

Cut once-flowering rambler roses

Once-flowering Rambler show their flowers, as the name implies, only once a year. They do not reapply, although the flowering time may last for a few weeks, depending on the variety. These Ramblers bloom mainly on the perennial shoots, which is why they should be cut as little as possible. It is merely a caring Auslichtungsschnitt made in which you dead and too old shoots - they recognize that at such only little flowers form - remove. The best time for such a cut is right after flowering, but you can also cut away all the withered parts. If the plant gets too tall, you can cut it. Keep in mind, however, that afterwards it will only grow back stronger.

Cut occasional rambler roses

In contrast to the once-flowering varieties, the more frequently blooming rambler roses develop their flowers on the young shoots. Theoretically, the harder you cut them, the more lush the flowers will be. In fact, these roses should be cut back, especially in the first years, so that they form correspondingly strong branches. Older plants, on the other hand, allow you to grow and only make a care cut in early spring, removing diseased, weak or dead shoots. As often flowering rambler roses remount, d. H. To make a second flower, you should always remove blown flowers. In this way you stimulate the formation of new flowers.


Roses and therefore also rambler roses should be cut back with special rose scissors or at least with sharp and freshly disinfected secateurs to avoid bruises and similar injuries. In this way you prevent the entry of germs such as mushrooms, for which roses are unfortunately quite susceptible.