The silver leaf: worth knowing about sowing

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
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The seeds hide in the silvery leaves, which become more and more transparent as maturity progresses

The silver leaf: worth knowing about sowing

The non-toxic silver leaf is one of the plants that can give the garden in the autumn interesting eye-catching with their dried seeds. The propagation of the extremely cultivated flowering plant, which also occurs naturally, takes place through seeds.

Next article The perfect care for the silver leaf

A plant with many exciting facets

The moon-shaped, with increasing seed maturity like parchment translucent seed bun of the silver leaf have this brought in the vernacular the following names:

Also, the Latin name "Lunaria annua" refers to the seeds of the "moon plant", the addition of the age of one is not really true. The silver leaf indeed dies after flowering, but is actually two years old and blooms only in the second year. Most of the conspicuous seeds are the main reason for a culture in the garden. The pink-purple or white flowers are also an aesthetic bee pasture and emit their scent mainly during the night to attract moths for pollination.

Harvest the seeds and sow in the right rhythm

The harvesting of the seeds is relatively easy with the silver leaf, as they are located on a display plate between the two layers of the seed bun. You can put a plastic bag over the whole flower stalks with the seed stalls and sort them after cutting in the house in seeds and compost material, so that in the garden not too many seeds fall in place on the ground. Seed each year a part of the seeds in the garden to get really every year flowers and seeds of the only biennial flowering plant.

Sowing and care of the silver leaf

The silver leaf is ideally sown in early summer directly in the field, the seeds are covered with little soil. The selected location should be free of vigilantly neighboring plants so that the young plants, which are still quite small in the first year, have enough light and space for their development. The young plants should be half shady and kept evenly moist.


After the first sowing in the garden, the silver leaf usually spreads itself by self-sowing. If this increase is to be contained, the seeds must be cut off before ripening, which reduces the decorative value of the plants. In no case should you place the seeds in this case with other clippings on the compost pile, because you distribute the long germinable seeds otherwise with the compost throughout the garden.