Use mustard for green manuring

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Using a Mustard Cover Crop for Disease Biofumigation on Pumpkin
Video: Using a Mustard Cover Crop for Disease Biofumigation on Pumpkin


Mustard as green manure prevents soil erosion and provides more nutrients in the soil

Use mustard for green manuring

Mustard is often grown as a catch crop to provide fertilization. Learn more about why mustard provides excellent green manure and how you can use mustard as a catch crop.

Earlier harvest mustard: when, how, and what?

Why green estuaries?

Green manure is often carried out on fallow ground to enrich the soil with nutrients, as well as preventing sludge and nutrients from the soil being washed out.

What is the effect of mustard as green manure?

How is mustard used as a foundation?

Mustard can be planted as green manure practically every frost-free season. Like he said, he is set as a catch crop, e.g. after you have harvested early vegetables like salad. Sow the mustard seeds as described here. If you sow late in the year, you can put the plants closer than 20cm. Pour and maintain your mustard like any other garden herb. You can also occasionally harvest a few of the aromatic leaves and process them in a salad.
In the autumn, at the latest before flowering, before the seeds develop, cut the mustard plants down to the ground. Leave the leaves and flowers in place to continue to protect the soil and provide nutrients.

Green manure without effort

Alternatively, you can simply leave the mustard in autumn. The leaves freeze to death and can be easily dug up in the spring. However, in this case you run the risk that the mustard itself sown. Therefore, you should better harvest the seeds in the fall.

When must mustard not be used as green manure?

Since mustard belongs to the cruciferous vegetables, the usual crop rotation must be observed. Cruciferous vegetables may only be planted at the same site every four years. Therefore, mustard must not be used at green manure sites where cabbages, radishes, radishes or other cruciferous vegetables have been present for the past three years.


You can also just plant a number of mustard between your garden vegetables and use them for green manuring.