Harvest seeds from wild garlic and use for propagation

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Grow Lots of Garlic | Complete Guide from Planting to Harvest
Video: How to Grow Lots of Garlic | Complete Guide from Planting to Harvest


Harvest seeds from wild garlic and use for propagation

The seeds of wild garlic can be used in addition to the cultivation of onions well for an increase of the coveted plant. However, when harvesting and sowing the seeds, some special features of the wild garlic must be taken into account.

Sow the seeds of wild garlic fresh

Wild garlic seeds lose their ability to germinate very quickly, which is why they should be brought back into the soil as soon as possible after ripening. The black wild garlic seeds are approximately spherical and about 2 millimeters in size. The wild garlic seeds are cold germs, which break through the seeds and start to germinate only after the winter cold. In mild winter temperatures, it may happen that the seeds only pass into the germination phase in the second year. But there are also certain techniques to artificially simulate seed-freeness. Depending on the region, the seeds are harvested in time for the inflorescences in June or July. These are then mixed in a 1: 3 ratio with wet sand and stored in a bag for about 4 weeks at room temperature. The mixture is then stored for approximately one month at temperatures between minus and plus 4 degrees Celsius, before sowing in about 2 centimeters depth and at temperatures between 5 and 12 degrees Celsius.

Harvest seeds of wild garlic wild

Outside of nature reserves, you can harvest wild garlic seeds in nature if you transport the ripe seeds together with the withered flowers in a bag into your garden in June or July and easily work them into the soil at the desired location. Keep the soil sufficiently humid in autumn and winter, should natural dry periods occur. Please take care to harvest only a part of the leaves or seeds of natural wild garlic stocks in the forest, so that the natural reproduction and regeneration of the deposits is still guaranteed.

Resist the temptation

From the various parts of wild garlic can be conjured all sorts of delicious dishes, such as:

Every leaf you harvest from wild garlic lacks the plant for further development. Cut only a portion of the leaves and buds for use in the kitchen, so that the stock in your garden can always recover and self-seed seeds can increase automatically.

Tips & Tricks

It takes a lot of attention and effort to keep bear garlic seeds in pots evenly moist during the long germination period. Therefore, sowing in the field in the field usually gives better results with less maintenance.