Transplant panicle hydrangea without damage - That's how it works

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Transplant panicle hydrangea without damage - That's how it works - Garden
Transplant panicle hydrangea without damage - That's how it works - Garden


Plant your panicle hydrangea if possible in autumn after flowering

Transplant panicle hydrangea without damage - That's how it works

The need or the desire to replant panicle hydrangeas can have various causes. Be it because the location turned out to be less than optimal, the plant was set too tight or even a construction project or a move are imminent. As a rule, panicle hydrangeas, which have not been in one spot for more than about five years, can easily be transplanted.

The right time for transplanting

The ideal time to transplant panicle hydrangeas is after flowering from October to frost break. If necessary, the early spring is also in question. However, spring does not make much sense for such an action, because the plant has to make much greater efforts than in the autumn. After all, it now not only has to develop new roots, but also new shoots. When transplanting in the fall, however, she has enough time to grow vigorously at her new location.

Transplanting - The step-by-step guide

The ultimate goal of any transplanting action should be to get as many fine roots as possible undamaged out of the ground.Therefore, you can create a hand-wide ditch around the plant in the summer before the actual grafting, which you replenish with loose potting soil. This measure promotes the formation of many new fine roots in the ball area. When converting yourself, proceed as follows:

Tips & Tricks

Field hydrangeas transplanted in late autumn can be so stressed in very cold winters that they can enter. Therefore, as soon as the temperatures get too chilly, you better play it safe and provide the plant with winter protection, eg. B. by a jacket with coconut or straw mats. In addition, especially the root area should be protected by means of a thick mulch layer.