Tips for the propagation of the silk tree

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The silk tree can be multiplied with patience about seeds

Tips for the propagation of the silk tree

To grow a silk tree is a tedious affair. The propagation of a silk acacia, as the tree is also called, is worthwhile only if you have enough patience. This is how the multiplication of a silk tree works.

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Harvest or buy seeds for propagation

If you already have a silk tree in the garden, you can harvest seeds for propagation yourself. From the flowers develop long fruiting bodies with seeds. These are dried after maturity until it is time for sowing. Remember that the seed contains toxins.

However, a sleeping tree only blooms from a certain age and a height of at least 1.50 meters.

If you can not harvest your own seeds, you can get them at the garden shop.

Prepare seeds

The seed of the sleeping tree is quite large and thick-skinned. He must be put in warm water for one day before sowing so that he can swell.

So you sow a sleeping tree

The seed culture is only possible if the ambient temperature is very high. It must be around 25 degrees. The location for the seed pots should be bright, but avoid direct sun.

Ventilate the cling film once a day so that no mold can form.

Keep warm and bright after sowing

It sometimes takes several weeks or months for the seeds of the silk acacia to germinate. Make sure that the substrate does not dry out during this time.

As soon as the young sleeping tree is about 15 to 20 centimeters high, plant it in a small bucket and nurture it like an adult plant.

In the field, the silk tree may only when he is several years old, since he is not yet hardy at the beginning.


The growth of the silk acacia is quite fast. The tree can grow up to eight meters outdoors. If you want to limit the growth, cut it back slightly and also shorten the roots when repotting.