This is how the butterfly lilac in the tub shows its most beautiful side

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Butterfly lilac also thrives in the pot, provided it is sufficiently large

This is how the butterfly lilac in the tub shows its most beautiful side

To turn the balcony into a summery flower paradise with a lively visit of butterflies, the butterfly bush in the pot is just right. How to skillfully plant and care for the butterfly magnet, read here.

Previous article How to properly plant a butterfly lilac

Large bucket and sunny location set the course

An overgrown butterfly shrub will only live up to expectations if it has sufficient capacity for its roots in the pot. Therefore choose a bucket with 30 to 50 liters volume. Before you fill in a container of potting soil enriched with sand, drain the pots from potsherds.

Throw the young plant out and put it so deep in the soil that the previous planting depth remains unchanged. Place the bucket in a full sun, sheltered location and pour until the water drains from the bottom opening. The undemanding wood can be poured without hesitation with normal tap water.

That's how easy it is to cultivate the butterfly bush in the pot

In a sunny spot, planted in a loose, nutrient-rich potting soil, a butterfly shrub seldom demands your horticultural attention. The uncomplicated care program is designed as follows:

Only when the risk of ground frosts is over in the spring, cut back the butterfly bush. If necessary, you can radically shorten the cut-compatible flowering wood up to 20 cm. Only at an advanced age do you put on the thick branches the section with 40 to 50 cm a little higher. Immediately following the pruning you administer the first fertilizer to stimulate growth. Pour plenty of water to keep the nutrients optimally absorbed.


A warm location on the sun-drenched roof garden is also very welcome to your butterfly shrub. Due to the exposed location, extensive winter protection is in the focus in this case, so that it does not come to fatal frost damage.