When is the heyday of the silk tree?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The History of Silk ~ Documentary ~ Ancient China
Video: The History of Silk ~ Documentary ~ Ancient China


The silk tree flowers for several weeks

When is the heyday of the silk tree?

The silk tree (Albizia) originating from Asia and Australia has not long been one of the ornamental trees in Central European latitudes. It impresses with its unique flowers, which span during the day and give off a pleasant scent. When is the heyday of the silk tree?

The silk tree blooms in the summer

The heyday of the sleeping tree begins in early summer and continues for several weeks.

However, only mature trees that have reached a sufficient height to bloom. When cultivating the tub, the silk acacia is usually not high enough to produce flowers.

The inflorescences that develop from the flowers, which contain the seeds for the cultivation of new silk trees, are poisonous. Therefore, you better avoid the silk acacia, if children and pets belong to the family.


The silk tree is also called sleep tree or silk acacia. The name sleep tree he received because of its flowers, which fold at night.