Near-natural pool with beautiful swimming pond plants

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 2 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Natural Pools & Swim Ponds in California - No Chlorine or Chemicals - Aquascape System
Video: Natural Pools & Swim Ponds in California - No Chlorine or Chemicals - Aquascape System


Waterworms look pretty and multiply quickly

Near-natural pool with beautiful swimming pond plants

Floating or under water - for pond biotopes you have a rich selection of beautiful plants in different colors. Swimming pond plants can be used in the soil or in sturdy plant baskets and flow, cleverly distributed throughout the garden year.

Basically, the most diverse swamp and water plants of the bank area are divided into three different depth zones. Especially good and very natural, if each is different in size and is planted varied. Before the purchase of the plants, a true-to-scale sketch of the swimming pond and its surroundings would be helpful in order to offer the plants species-appropriate growth conditions later on.

Planting in baskets or on the pond floor?

The use of mesh baskets made of plastic, coconut fibers or wicker is particularly popular in swimming ponds. Filled with soil and covered with a thin layer of pebble, the plants can easily be placed directly in the pelvis and taken out again for care. Should be planted directly into the pond soil, better only locally and only work with little sand and gravel, since the water is completely sufficient as a nutrient supplier.

Popular swimming pond plants for water depths


Before planting, you must cut back your sea and pond roses without root ball on the fine hair roots, smooth out the interface on the rhizome and brush thoroughly with charcoal dust as rot protection.