Plunge pool or luxury pond - what are the costs?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 2 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How much does a Swimming Pond COST? + other FAQ’s!
Video: How much does a Swimming Pond COST? + other FAQ’s!


By self-construction and self-planning can be saved in swimming pond construction a lot of money

Plunge pool or luxury pond - what are the costs?

Construction, desired dimension and the special filter technology are among the most important factors in swimming pond costs. The fact that supposedly cheap does not end up being too expensive can be avoided with a careful calculation in cooperation with a specialist company.

It is one of the most difficult challenges, especially in the construction industry, to research binding prices for crafts and materials. This has relatively little to do with secrecy, but is due to the fact that for a real cost analysis of planned construction projects usually a suburban survey is essential. Nevertheless, we have tried it with the swimming pond costs, so that you, as the future owner of the natural pool, will at least get to know some guideline values ​​with which rough planning can be accomplished.

What does a specialist say about the swimming pond price

If a specialist company is brought on board for the outdoor pool in the garden, square meter prices of between € 300 and € 500 can be expected, depending on the equipment and size. Through own efforts the costs for the swimming pond can be reduced to 150, - to 250, - Euro / m2.In co-operation with a gardening and landscaping company, ideally a common concept is prepared, which contains all suitable activities that can be done by the owner of the property, without overburdening him technically or physically.

Digging yourself can lower swimming pond costs

Anyone who lends himself a cheap mini digger to prepare the pit for the natural pool will, depending on the size of his project, be able to leave a four-digit euro amount in his account. Whereby it is absolutely necessary to clarify what happens to the excavation. With a pond area of ​​100 m2, around 107 m2 of earth will easily move, which corresponds to a mass of 240 tonnes. However, with the more than 2,000 trips with a well-filled wheelbarrow, which are at least necessary for it, an excellent physical constitution is important. The rent of an excavator (daily price from about 80, - Euro) is in this case certainly less sweaty.

Possible savings potential for own services

The majority of specialist companies argue that the savings in terms of a muscle mortgage of future swimming pond owners are a bit more reserved. They believe that many builders, especially in terms of the main cost factors, would clearly overestimate this. But which invoice items are actually among the price drivers for the costs of a swimming pond? In the middle to higher four-digit range, it is mainly:

Example of a rough cost calculation

This non-binding example is about a 100 m2 swimming pond, which is to be built without a separately built swimming area.

How do garden planners calculate?

Similar to how an architect realizes all planning work for home builders, garden planners help to build the prospect at the swimming pond. From rough drafting and on-site consultation to accompanying external tendering procedures, experienced experts take care of the entire organizational preparation and monitor the individual stages of the construction process. This service is not free but will significantly help you stay spared from building defects and enjoy your new green oasis for many years to come.

Five types at five different prices

In a Korschenbroicher garden planning company, we have found in terms of pricing on reliable numbers, which provide even for less experienced swimming pond planner financial planning basis. In addition to the individual cost factors, which want to be considered for a Kassensturz, the company also points to the most important reasons why, especially in the network, so many (supposedly) "cheap" offers. Cheap data for swimming pond construction projects usually contains only roughly estimated information on excavation, pay, filter, pump and foil, although in practice often other services will be charged later, such as:

For better transparency, the different types of float types are subdivided into five categories, which differ both in terms of pond size and technical equipment.

Beware with bargains at swimming pond prices

In our research, we have become aware of almost 70 percent of such offers:

Sometimes even with cheap foil lined holes in the garden, in which an even cheaper submersible pump, referred to as a swimming pond. Therefore, we can only strongly recommend that you plan your natural pool or swimming pond on the basis of the garden situation on site and according to your personal needs roughly and turn to a reputable and experienced provider for a real cost estimate.

Facts that strongly influence swimming pond costs

It is best to not only get several offers from different companies, but also to have reference objects that have been in operation for at least two years. Also, the expected maintenance effort should not be disregarded in the calculation. How much the investment ultimately becomes depends on a large number of factors that can only be partially influenced by the client. Mainly these are:

It is best to disassemble your overall project "Build Floating Pond" into several clearly arranged parts and first carry out a rough cost calculation yourself, similar to the following (expandable by you) scheme:

Alternative: prefabricated swimming pond?

For most of the offers that we have researched on the net, we found amazingly concrete information about the scope of services as well as the expected equipment of the ready-to-install sets. Many companies also offer expert advice by telephone, so that semi-interested buyers who have a correspondingly high time potential for assembly can be in good hands with direct sellers. Whether the final price will ultimately be actually cheaper, can not be said with certainty due to the very different offers. But also for this a concluding quick overview of the current market situation of the swimming pond prices for selfbuilders:

Even with these examples, there are several equipment variants. We have each listed the cheapest, so you at o. G. Mini-pond in the luxury version could well come to a total price of just under 11,000, - €. In the overall balance, however, always the personnel workload must be added, also for any helpers and as already discussed, you will not get along in the earthworks without hired special technology for excavation and transport.


Many companies that sell prefabricated swimming ponds and natural pools offer those interested in special pond construction seminars, on which important knowledge is taught, so that your project leads to the desired success.