Why it pays to pull black raspberries in the garden

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting raspberries
Video: Planting raspberries


Why it pays to pull black raspberries in the garden

In the German gardens they are so far hardly to be found, the black raspberries. These raspberry varieties from North America have some advantages. Reason enough to even plant black raspberries in your own garden.

Origin of black raspberries

Black raspberries are still relatively unknown in our latitudes. The varieties with the deep black, sometimes dark purple fruits come from North America. There they come in uncultured form.

Benefits of black raspberry varieties

Plant black raspberries in the garden

Site conditions and soil requirements are similar to those of summer raspberries and autumn raspberries.

In a sunny spot very large, almost artificial-looking fruits grow up. Make for a loose floor.

However, the shrubs tend to develop into very vigorous plants. The planting distance in the row should therefore be at least 80 centimeters even better one meter. A row spacing of at least 1.50 meters is recommended.

Harvest time for black raspberries

The harvest season starts at the end of June and, depending on the variety, extends into July.

The black fruits are often covered by a light gray veil. This is not mold!

When harvesting black raspberries, be sure to wear gloves and long-sleeved clothing. The rods carry many thorns, which can cause painful injuries.

Slicing black raspberries

Black raspberries, like summer raspberries, produce their fruits on biennial wood.

The harvested shoots are completely cut back to the ground immediately after harvesting.

In the fall, a care cut is made in which excess rods are lightened. The shoot tips should also be shortened a bit.

Care of black raspberries

The very long-awake shoots are a hallmark of black raspberry. They grow up to four meters long and are richly spined.

The rods must be attached to a trellis so that they do not hang on the ground.

Alternatively, place the rods over each other to form a dense raspberry hedge. However, it is more difficult to pick the fruits.

The propagation of black raspberries

Black raspberries do not form an offshoot. They are increased by lowering the shoot tips.

To do this, put some tips off the rods on the ground in autumn and cover them with mature compost.

In the spring new plants develop from the tips. Once several pairs of leaves have grown, the seedlings can be separated from the mother plant. Plant them in a sunny spot at the latest in autumn.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to pull an impenetrable hedge, black raspberries are ideal. The long rods grow so long and dense that no one gets through. They do not form foothills, so they can also be set as raspberry hedge to delineate the neighbor.