Detect and combat shotgun disease in cherry laurel

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Killing Bugs     Bagworm Test for spray and control
Video: Killing Bugs Bagworm Test for spray and control


Detect and combat shotgun disease in cherry laurel

The shotgun disease caused by the fungus Stigmina carpophilum makes the attractive leaves of the cherry laurel look like shotguns. In addition to the laurel cherry, the stubborn fungus also infests fruit trees such as cherry or plum and here leads to enormous yield reductions.

The typical damage picture of the mushroom

On the foliage of the cherry laurel, small reddish-brown spots appear. These can easily be confused with the harmless nectar glands of the wood in the early stages of the disease. The brown spots dry slowly until the plant finally repels the necrotic tissue. The characteristic holes remain in the leaves of the infested shrubs. Oblong, dark colored necroses also appear on the branches of the laurel cherry. These wounds can be recognized by the slightly sunken patches, in the middle of which there is often a rubber-like drop.

Life cycle of the mushroom

The fungus first attacks the leaves and, with progressive disease, the shoot tips of the cherry laurel. He overwinters in diseased foliage, in small branch wounds, on fruit mummies and in the shoot tips of the infested woody plants.

If warm humid weather prevails in spring, the fungal disease spreads almost explosively, as the spores are transported by the precipitation. They land with raindrops or fog on the leaves of neighboring plants and infect them.

The fight against shotgun disease in cherry laurel

Since the fungus can be very persistent, it is advisable to proceed against the spread of the plant disease already at the first infestation:

If these measures do not reduce the risk of shotgun disease, you will receive highly effective chemical preparations on the market, which are also approved for the private garden and reliably kill the fungus.

preventive measures

The same applies to shotgun shots: "Prevention is better than cure." The following measures can prevent the spread of plant diseases:

Tips & Tricks

The shotgun disease is favored by nitrogen-rich fertilization. Therefore, when shotgun, preferably fertilize with mature compost or manure, as these fertilizers contain only about 0.5 to 2 percent nitrogen.