Can you dry chives?

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to harvest and dry chives.
Video: How to harvest and dry chives.


Can you dry chives?

Fresh chives from the garden is simply unsurpassed - but unfortunately it is not always summer, so you should ensure early enough for a sufficient supply of herbs for the fall or winter. Here are some ways to preserve chives.

Freeze chives best

Not every form of preservation is suitable for every kitchen herb. Chives, for example, can be dried, but lose much of their characteristic aroma - instead, dried chives are very similar to hay. For this reason, you should better keep your hands off from drying the fleshy stalks. It would be more advisable to cut them into small rolls with the help of scissors and freeze immediately after the harvest. By freezing the aroma remains largely preserved, but lose the Chives roll strength and are quite soft.

Methods of freezing

Very delicious is also homemade chives butter, which is frozen in portions: Stir good butter until it is soft. Now add plenty of fresh chopped chives and some salt and stir both. Now divide the chive butter into ice cube trays or other small serving containers. The portions are perfect for grilling or making sauces.

Conserve chives elsewhere

In addition, you can make fresh chives very well by inserting, for example, in oil or salt, preserved. For chive salt, the salt concentration should be at least 15 percent - that is, six parts of chives are salted. For this purpose, coarse sea salt is particularly good. The ingredients are layered in an airtight sealable container (eg, with screw cap) - with salt being the topmost layer - and stored in a dark place.

Tips & Tricks

Most people simply cut off flowering chives and throw it away. Try instead to carefully pluck the flowers into individual leaves and sprinkle over a salad - a poem! But be careful, because chive blossoms are very sharp.