Chives are blooming - What to do?

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
All About Chives
Video: All About Chives


Chives are blooming - What to do?

Many people believe that the chive flowers are poisonous and therefore cut off the flower-bearing stems in time. In fact, the hard and very bitter inflorescences are inedible, but their flowers and buds all the tastier. Try it!

Early article

Flowering and harvest

Chives have a very long flowering season: depending on the season, the seasoning will bloom from March until October. The flower looks very pretty and resembles a fluffy ball from a distance. For this reason, in addition to the common chives still many ornamental species that are bred solely for their distinctive flower because. Chives usually bloom in a delicate lilac, but there are also white and pink flowering varieties. Cut the blooms that have just blossomed with a sharp knife from the stalk, you can leave them on the plant. The best time to harvest is early morning, with the highest levels of essential oil, and there are not as many early morning insects collecting nectar.

Recipe ideas for chive blossoms

Use only healthy, undamaged and clean chive flowers. They should not be washed, but if necessary cleaned by hand. In addition, it is important to examine the flowers for any insects and if necessary to examine them - beetles, bees and Co. like to hide in the tubes of the stamens. You can use the chive flowers as well as the stalks, z. B. on bread or over a salad strewn. Furthermore, they can also be in salt, vinegar or oil, freeze or even use for cooking.

Green sauce with chive flowers

Frankfurt green sauce is a well-known, cold herb sauce, which is usually eaten to boiled potatoes or boiled potatoes. A refreshing, light and healthy meal for hot summer days! We modified the original recipe a bit:

Good Appetite!

Incidentally, you should radically cut down the stalks after the harvest, so that there are only two to three centimeters above the ground. This also works great with a lawnmower. The chives will quickly expel again.

Tips & Tricks

The same as for the chive blossom applies to a whole range of herbal, fruit and vegetable blossoms. From these, many delicious ideas can be realized: The flowers can be filled (eg pumpkin and zucchini flowers), they can be in vinegar, salt or sugar are inserted (for example, flower vinegar from elderflower or apple blossoms, thyme salt or lavender sugar ) or to a sweet liqueur (eg elderflower liqueur), to syrup (for the production of lemonades), jelly and much more.