Cutting snow berry - The right pruning of the pea pea

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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In order to curb the growth of the snowberry, a regular pruning makes sense

Cutting snow berry - The right pruning of the pea pea

The Schneebeere or Knallerbse needs almost no care. You should only occasionally reach for a pair of scissors, because otherwise the shrub will overbake. When and how to properly cut the popular shrub.

When does the snowberry have to be cut?

Basically, you can cut snowberries all year round, even at minus temperatures.

How to cut the pea pea

With the care cut you shorten all branches, which become too high or too expansive. Favorable times are spring to April or from summer.

If the snowberry has generally become too big, it also tolerates a complete pruning. Cut the shoots as close to the ground as possible. The shrub recovers from it within a short time. However, you have to do without the season on flowering or the poisonous berries for one year.

Older snow berries should rejuvenate in regularly. This will prevent the shrub from getting frosted down. Old shoots are cut out of the ground. The advantage of the rejuvenation cut is that there are always enough branches with flowers and later berries on the bush.

Pay attention to extensions after cutting

The cut stimulates the snowberry to form new foothills. Especially on very dry soil sprout the offshoots like weeds.

Pull out the sprouts as soon as possible so that you prevent the uncontrolled spread of the pea peas in time.

If possible do not cut during the breeding and setting time

Although it is often recommended, you should not cut a snowberry during the hatching and setting time. The dense branches serve many birds as a shelter for nest building.

The flowers are a very good bee food. The shrubs should therefore be better cut only when many other plants are blooming.

Snowberry multiply by cuttings

If you want to pull the pea as a hedge, you can multiply by cuttings. On a frosty autumn day, cut small shoots of 20 centimeters in length.

For winter, store the cuttings in sand and place them in individual pots for rooting in spring.


How important it can be to keep the growth of the snowberry in check shows a neighborhood dispute. He was known in 1999 by a song by the entertainer Stephan Raab, which bore the title "Knallerbsenstrauch".