Blackthorn Blossoms: The delicate blossom full of power

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
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Blackthorn Blossoms: The delicate blossom full of power

The water doctor Sebastian Kneipp described the blackthorn blossoms as the mildest laxative in the world. Hildegard von Bingen also used the tender flowers of the blackthorn as a multifaceted remedy.

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Messengers of the approaching spring

Even before the leaf shoots, the blackthorn produces numerous, white flowers. They exude a soft almond aroma and stand in a charming contrast to the almost black bark of blackthorn. A blackthorn blossom can be recognized by the five petals and about 20 slender stamens that are arranged in a circle around the stylus. In early spring, when only a few plants have their buds unfolded, they serve bees and butterflies as a valuable source of food.

Many valuable ingredients

The vernacular says:

"Eat the first three flowers of a blackthorn branch
and stay away from fever the whole year! "

According to popular legend, the blackthorn blossoms, which grow into the aromatic stone fruits in autumn, are full of ingredients that give the body new powers after the cold season.

This is also scientifically proven. Responsible for the effect on the organism are contained in the blackthorn flower scavengers and flavonoids.

Use of blackthorn flowers

You can collect blackthorn flowers from the end of March to the end of April. The aromatic sloe tea prepared from fresh flowers has a purifying and purifying effect. To dry, spread the delicate flowers on a tea towel at room temperature.

Gentle-acting tonic

Feeling drained and exhausted, an Elexier made from blackthorn blossoms can give you new strength.

It is sufficient to enjoy a liqueur glass of the full-bodied approach daily.

Tips & Tricks

The blackthorn is a significant plant of mythology. The tangle of the black sloe branches symbolizes the dark winter months, which are replaced by the flowers of the white spring goddess.