Plant horsetail in the garden

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Horsetail Rush / Reed (Equisetum hyemale), Scouring Rush with Matt. Patience with this old favorite!
Video: Horsetail Rush / Reed (Equisetum hyemale), Scouring Rush with Matt. Patience with this old favorite!


Horsetail is a pretty medicinal plant for the herb garden

Plant horsetail in the garden

Horsetail is known to many gardeners only as weeds. This is however Horsetail straw. However, there are some species that are suitable for planting in the garden. What you should pay attention to when planting horsetail.

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Which location prefers horsetail?

A sunny ground is ideal. Horsetail tolerates waterlogging well. Swamp horsetail species are particularly good at ponds and artificial streams.

How should the substrate be?

Horsetail is not demanding. The soil should be slightly nutritious and if possible not whitewashed.

When is the best planting time?

Horsetail is best planted in the spring.

Which planting distance is ideal?

For small varieties, a planting distance of 30 to 50 centimeters is ideal. Three to five plants per square meter are set. Giant horsetail looks better in individual position.

Should a rhizome barrier be created?

If you are planting horsetail in the garden, be sure to plant a root barrier. The perennials otherwise multiply via rhizomes throughout the garden.

Can horsetail be transplanted?

Horsetail should not be transplanted. Once he has settled in at a location, he does not get the move. It is also impossible to get the rhizomes out of the ground undamaged.

When is the heyday of horsetail?

Horsetail belongs to the ferns. These do not form flowers with seeds. Instead, sprouts grow on which thickened ends with spores form. The spores are spread by the wind over long distances.

The main distribution period starts in April depending on the species and lasts until June or July.

How is horsetail propagated?

The reproduction takes place via:

To prevent it spreading too far, cut off the sprouts as soon as they appear.

Is horsetail hardy?

Basically horsetail is hardy. When maintaining in the bucket, however, winter protection is advisable.

Is horsetail poisonous?

Marsh horsetail is poisonous, other varieties such as horsetail contain no toxins.


Giant horsetail gets so high that it can be kept well as a screen in the garden. It is best to plant it in a bath to prevent uncontrolled spreading. In addition, the planter can then move to another location.