With these methods, the Schefflera can be multiplied!

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Easiest way to propagate Schefflera arboricola Dwarf Umbrella Tree
Video: Easiest way to propagate Schefflera arboricola Dwarf Umbrella Tree


The Schefflera can be e.g. multiply via seeds

With these methods, the Schefflera can be multiplied!

The Strahlenaralie enjoys in this country as a houseplant of increasing popularity. If you plant a whole room with it, you feel like you are in a tropical rainforest. To make that possible, you do not have to buy tens of copies. You can easily multiply this plant ...

Early article Schefflera cut - when, how, with what and why?

Propagation possibilities: offshoot and sowing

For the Schefflera there are different propagation possibilities. There would be an offshoot in the form of head, stem or leaf cuttings. On the other hand, you can use seeds to multiply. It is generally important in all methods that the new plants grow up in a light and warm location. The spring is ideal for growing.

Use cuttings to multiply

Best used are cuttings to increase the Schefflera. How to proceed to multiply the plant using head cuttings:

Now it goes on as follows:

At a normal room temperature between 18 and 23 ° C the cuttings rooted after 4 to 12 weeks. Remember to put the cuttings in a bright place in the apartment! If new leaves appear, they can be transplanted or transplanted into nutrient-rich soil.

Cultivation from leaf cuttings

The ray artery can also be pulled from leaf cuttings. For this you should cut off a healthy and strong leaf along with a stem from the mother plant. At the lower stem part a thin strip is cut away with a sharp knife. There the roots should form.

As a next step, the leaf cuttings come 1 cm deep into a pot with potting soil. The substrate is kept moist. The rooting also takes 1 to 3 months with this method.

Sowing is also possible

Sowing is also possible, although it is more protracted. The seeds can be purchased from specialist retailers. This is to be noted:


As a method of propagation head cuttings are preferred in the ray artery. They usually root most successfully.